திங்கள், 12 மே, 2014

While compared with you Indian Muslims...

Who was Ravana?

Ravanan was this soil son.
Also he was a Tamil Emperor!
[Keep in mind to-day Tamilnadu
is a populated part and state
in India.]

According to your latest
invention, Ravana was Hindu
too. He prayed lord Siva.

When did he die?

According to your unproved
discovery, long long ago!
i.e., before many lakhs years.

Do you know Ravana's
real character as per existing
stories which still untie lies?

But, though you know the
reality, you will never tell the
truth. [Ravana was a very good
Tamil Emperor and gentleman
than Rama]

Though Ravana was a Hindu
Emperor you kill him every year
[Too today you say you are killing].
You make through straws image
dolls, then lie  the grass dolls are
Ravana and throw fire upon dolls
grasses. The result of madness
you admire yourself that you have
killed Ravana again and again.

What a cruelty mind is this?
What for you do this every year?

You know what for these mad and
worst scenes are shown each
year in this soil. Your forefathers
entered into India through Kaibor,
Polan ravines. So to hide this reality
you are doing the said cruelty every
year, cunningly. Also you are naming
this bad celebration as Ram leela!

Thus each year you break in two parts your Hindu peoples too. Further,
you are threatening the Dravidians
particularly Tamil people then and
now. Is this functions necessity
among the Hindus at today too?

So, while compared with you, our
Indian Muslims are real nationals
than you. Because they are this
soil's ancient forefathers' current
and true generations.

கருத்துகள் இல்லை:
